>>Presence in teams has been updated.

If you’re a user in coexistence mode Microsoft Teams; which means you’re an organisation that are using both Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business at the same time. Microsoft have now released an update that has routing and presence fully aligned.

>>What its like now. 

Here is a table to show what application the presence is taken from against the different modes available.


User Activity Taken From:


Skype for Business


Skype for Business



Skype for Business


Microsoft Teams

One interesting thing to note from this is that if a user is in Island or Legacy Mode, a federated tenant will see presence based on the user’s activity in Skype for Business whereas Teams to Teams on the same Island will see presence based on the users activity in Teams.

This was just my understanding take from a Microsoft 365 Admin Center update I received and thought it was interesting. If you would like to read the additional information yourself see here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Teams-Blog/Update-Presence-now-respects-a-user-s-coexistence-mode/ba-p/280190

>»Make the move to Microsoft Teams TODAY!!!«<